23/10/13 Rev:2.0.0
For the best results, we suggest to use SISTEM AIR original accessories and materials. The SISTEM AIR Trade-
mark is a registered trademark and is property of TECNOPLUS S.r.l.
Dear Customer,
TECNOPLUS S.r.l., owner of the SISTEM AIR Trademark would
rst of all like to thank you for having
chosen to buy the new vacuum cleaner of the TECNO Star Dual Power. We are sure that the character-
istics described in this manual will satisfy your needs.
TECNO Star Dual Power has been designed and produced in strict compliance with the Machinery
Directive 2006/42/CE (transposed into Italian Legislation by Decree Law 17/10), Low Tension Directive
2006/95/ CE, and Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/CE. The system has been manu-
factured with top quality materials and with particular care paid to reducing as much as possible the risk
of injury.
We have therefore written this manual in order to provide adequate instructions for the correct use and
maintenance of the system which are crucial to ensure the user’s safety, the correct functioning and the
long working life of the vacuum cleaning unit.
Read the entire manual carefully, follow the instructions precisely, and above all, for safety rea-
sons, do not intervene in any way if not speci
cally indicated.