Simrad - HH33 Installation and Operation Instructions
Explanation of specific footnotes in Country Specific table:
In the countries mentioned under remark 2, it is strictly prohibited to use this
b. This channel is not allowed to be used between Rhine km 150 and km 350.
In the Netherlands, this channel is used by for its on-scene communi cations during
safety operati ons on the North Sea, IJsselmeer, Wadden zee, Ooster- and Wester-
d. This channel may also be used for piloting, mooring, tugging and for other nautical
This channel is the first ship-to-ship channel, unless the competent authority has
designated an other channel. In the countries mentioned under remark 2, it is
allowed that the output power is set to a value between 6 and 25 W until 1 January
In the countries mentioned under remark 2, this channel is used for service category
ship-to-port authorities.
g. In the Netherlands, this channel is used by its national coastgu ard for communicati-
ons during oil pollution operations on the North Sea and for safety messages for the
North Sea, Wadden zee, IJsselmeer, Ooster- and Westerschelde.
h. This channel may be used only for service category on-boardon board
This channel may be used only for communications between sea going vessels and
participating land stations in case of distress and safety communica ti ons within the
maritime sea-areas. In the countries mentioned under remark 2, this channel may
be used only for distress, safety and calling.
The output power shall be reduced automatically to a value between 0.5 and 1 W.
This channel may be used for communications with a social charac ter.
In the Netherlands and Belgium, this channel may be used for trans mit ting mes-
sages concerning bunkering and victualling. The output power has to be reduced
manually to a value between 0.5 and- 1 W.
m. This channel may also be used for public correspondence.
n. This channel will be used for an automatic ship identifi cation and surveillance sys-
tem (AIS) capable of providing worldw ide operating on seas and Inland Waterways.
o. The availability of this channel is on a voluntary basis. All existing equipment shall
be capable to of operating on this channel within a ten-year period after the entry
into force of this Arrangement.
p. After permission of the competent authority, this channel may be used only for spe-
cial events on a temporary basis.
q. In the Czech Republic this channel is used for service category nautical information.
In the Czech Republic this channel is used for service category ship-to-port