10. Fry the spring rolls for approx. 8 minutes at
200 °C.
If the fi lling is too moist, the spring rolls will open
up during frying. It is therefore very important that
you dab the fi lling well.
Mini pizzas
1 Piece of pizza dough
1 Tomato
1 Onion
Green pesto
You will need:
1 Baking ring (Ø 6 cm)
Baking parchment
1. Cut the mozzarella, the ham, the onion and
the tomato into fi ne cubes. Then mix them all
together well.
2. Roll out the pizza dough on the baking parchment.
3. Shape little pizzas with the help of the baking
4. Preheat the air fryer to 190 °C.
5. Coat the pizza bases with the green pesto.
6. Spread the mixture of mozzarella, ham, onion
and tomato onto the pizzas.
7. Put 6 mini pizzas into the deep-frying basket per
round of frying.
8. Fry the mini pizzas for approx. 5 minutes at
190 °C.
Make sure that you do not put too many top-
pings on the mini pizzas. Make sure that you do not
touch the deep-frying basket when putting the pizzas
into the basket.
Stir-fried vegetables
1 Yellow pepper
1 Red pepper
1 Red onion
1 Tomato
1 Corn on the cob
1 Handful of needle beans
1 Handful of mushrooms
½ Courgette
Olive oil
1. Cut the tomato, courgette and mushrooms into
large pieces.
2. Cut the peppers, the red onion and the corn
into smaller pieces.
Add some olive oil to the vegetables and season
them all with pepper and salt.
4. Preheat the air fryer to 180 °C.
5. Put the vegetables into the deep-frying basket.
6. Insert the deep-frying basket and leave the
vegetables to cook for approx. 25 minutes.
7. Stir the vegetables consistently so that they are
evenly cooked.
If you pay attention to the size and hardness
of the vegetables at the start, all ingredients will be
ready at the same time. Hard vegetables (e.g. car-
rots, parsnips, squash, etc.) need to cook for longer
than soft vegetables (courgette, tomato, etc.). Cut
the hard vegetables fi ner than the soft vegetables.
Chicken satay with rice and wok vegetables
1 Chicken fi llet
1 Pineapple (fresh or tinned)
1 Onion
Satay skewers
Chicken seasoning
Olive oil
White rice
Wok vegetables (of your choice)