Proper Helmet
A poor helmet will not provide adequate protection.
A helmet must:
1) Meet Saskatchewan standards (see page 58).
2) Have a strong chin strap and fastener.
3) Be free of defects such as cracks, loose padding, frayed
straps or exposed metal.
A one-piece full face helmet is recommended. It’s a good idea to
have a helmet that is a bright colour such as red, white, yellow or
orange. It should also have reflective material on the back and the
sides. However, check the manufacturer’s specifications before
using any adhesive on your helmet.
When selecting a helmet, make sure it fits properly. When you
put it on, make sure it is snug and the strap is securely fastened.
Studies of motorcycle crashes show that loose helmets are
ineffective because they come off in collisions.
Eye and face protection
Your eyes need protection from wind, dust, rain, insects and
small pebbles thrown up from vehicles ahead. If the motorcycle is
not equipped with a windshield that deflects the airstream away
from the driver’s face the operator must wear goggles, glasses or
a face shield. A face shield is best; it protects your whole face.
Eyeglasses are not made to protect riders. They will shatter if hit
by a flying object. If you wear glasses, also use a face shield.
To be effective, eye or face protection must:
1) Be free of scratches.
2) Be made of material that doesn’t shatter.
3) Give a clear view to either side.
4) Fasten securely so that it can’t be blown off.
5) Allow some air to pass through so it won’t fog.
6) Allow enough room for eyeglasses or sunglasses, if needed.
Tinted goggles or face shields should not be worn at night.
Clothing can help protect you against injury in case of a fall and
is required for proper visibility – wear bright clothing and a vest.
Jacket and pants
should cover your arms and legs completely.
They should fit snugly enough so they don’t flap and yet let you
move freely. Wear a jacket even in warm weather. Leather is best.
Nylon, vinyl and other sturdy synthetic materials offer some
protection against wind and bugs. However, in a crash, synthetic
materials will stick to the skin when skidding on grass or