Turn your head and
make a shoulder
That’s the only
sure way to see a vehicle
behind you in the next
lane, so it’s particularly
important. There’s very
little chance a driver in
the next lane can react
quickly enough to avoid
you once you’ve started
to move.
On a roadway with
several lanes, check the
far lanes as well as the
one next to you. Another
driver may be headed for
the same space you are.
Sharing Lanes
Motorcyclists are allowed to ride two abreast but most riders
prefer to have a full lane width. Motorcycle drivers shouldn’t
share lanes with cars. The best way to stop lane sharing is to
keep your blocking position, especially in situations where other
drivers might be tempted to squeeze by you.
Pay close attention:
1) In heavy bumper to bumper traffic.
2) When you’re preparing to turn at an intersection, enter an exit
lane or leave the highway.
3) When another driver wants to pass you. If you move to the far
side of the lane in these situations, you invite the driver to
share the lane with you.
4) When overtaking a car in your lane. Pass in the same manner
as if you were driving an automobile.
Lane splitting
Don’t do it! In heavy traffic, some riders try “lane splitting,” riding
on the line between lanes of traffic. This is a very bad idea. For
starters, it’s dangerous for the rider. It puts the bike too close to
other vehicles, and other drivers aren’t expecting the motorcycle
to be there. Just a small movement – a car starting a lane change
or a door opening – can cause an unavoidable crash. There’s just
no place to go.