Datum 29.07.2015
Art. Nr. 81105
Änd. Stand 284/15
+24 V/GND
eg. MA10/3
level converter
RS232 <-> RS485
power pack:
24 VDC/
500 mA
Fig. 9: Programming of SIKO display
SSI: Data
format: no; encoder bits: 24; singleturnbits: irrelevant;
output code: Gray
Programming of SIKO display
SSI: encoder
type: linear; encoder bits: 24; factor: 1.0 (1/100 mm
display); output code: Gray
Changing the angle position:
1. Slightly unscrew screw (6).
2. Remove cap (10) and distance sleeve (9).
3. Adjust the contacts (7) and the shell (8) to the
desired angular position (in 90° steps).
4. Mount distance sleeve, cap and screw.
5.2 Application examples for sensor programming
and display of the position value
5. Commissioning
After mounting tape and sensor and after correct
wiring, the system is ready for use. Alignment of
sensor and tape is carried out by the manufacturer
before the material leaves the factory.
5.1 Sensor programming
Certain parameters of sensor MSA511 are program-
mable via its RS485 interface and are non volatile,
but can nevertheless be modified at any time.
If interface RS485 is not used, signals DÜA and DÜB
should be connected to GND to avoid interference.
Please proceed as follows:
Use a level converter (eg. type I-7520 from Spectra
company) to establish a connection between your
PC's serial RS232 interface and the sensor's RS485
Switch on the sensor's power supply and start with
programming by:
• using a suitable terminal program (eg. sikoterm.exe)
and by manually entering your commands accord. to
the table "list of commands – service operation of
MSA511" (see chapter 7). Please remember that your
terminal has to be adjusted to the pre-programmed
interface parameters.
Please ask SIKO for software "sikoterm.exe" or
download it from our website - address:
5.3 Sensor's SSI-interface
MSA511's SSI-interface allows a synchronous out-
put of the position value. Its data format comprises
a width of 24 bit which are either issued as Gray
codes and right-aligned. All following bits (25,
26...) are issued as "0".
Data signals correspond to RS422. Cycle inputs are
opto-decoupled and also correspond to RS422. Typ-
ical SSI monoflop time is. 20 ... 25 µs which gives a
min. cycle rate of 62.5 kHz.
Cable length 2 m
: max. cycle rate 1 MHz
Cable length 10 m
: max. cycle rate 800 kHz
Cable length 100 m
: max. cycle rate 250 kHz
Cable length 200 m
: max. cycle rate 125 kHz
Please note that the possible max. cycle rate and
data integrity mainly depend on the length of the
connection line.
If the integral SSI-interface is not used, SSI input
signals cycle+ and cycle- should be connected to
GND to avoid interference.
5.4 Sinus-/Cosinus Output
MSA511 has a sinus and cosinus output:
cycle duration
: 5 mm
: 1 Vss
d.c. voltage component : 2.5 V
: 100 Ω
5.5 Zero-Setting
There are three possibilities for zeroing the sensor:
1. Zeroing input (see chapter 4.1) can be activated
with +24 VDC (for more than 2 seconds).
2. By interface command "I" (see chapter 7).
3. By using a zero-setting screw, e.g. a cylinder head
stud (SW2.5) which must be screwed out up to the