Datum 26.08.2008
Art.Nr. 79828
Änd. Stand 318/08
Fig. 2: Mounting the magnetic strip
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 8: View of measuring surfaces
meas. surface "BR"
magnetic strip
meas. surface "S"
Fig. 7: Mounting tolerances (referring to measuring
surface "S")
0.1 ... 3.5mm
Also fix cover strip’s ends to avoid unintentional
touch the magnetic strip.
An accumulation of the different possible moun-
ting tolerances should be avoided.
Do not expose the magnetic strip to
magnetic fields. Any direct contact of the magnetic
strip with magnetic fields (eg. adhesive magnets
or other permanent magnets) is to be avoided. The
same applies to the sensor during operation.
Mounting examples
Mounting with chamfered ends (fig. 3) is not re-
commended unless the strip is installed in a safe
and protected place without environmental influ-
ences. In less protected mounting locations the
strip may peel. There we recommend mounting
accord. to fig. 4 and fig. 5.
Mounting in a groove (fig. 6) best protects the
magnetic strip. The groove should be deep enough
to totally embed the magnetic strip.
3.2 Sensor mounting
When mounting the magnetic sensor, ensure that
the arrow on the sensor heads in the same direc-
tion as the arrows on the magnetic strip (fig. 1).
The sensor's position relative to the magnetic strip
is exactly defined. The correct gap between sen-
sor and magnetic strip must be maintained over
the total travel distance, irrespective whether the
strip or sensor moves (fig. 7).
Within the defined limits (fig. 7), errors due to
deviation are less important than errors resulting
from strip and sensor tolerances.
The max. allowable distance between sensor
and magnetic strip (without cover strip) is
3,5mm. When using a cover strip, the gap is
reduced by the thickness of the cover strip in-
cluding its adhesive tape. The Sensor must not
Each sensor has one measuring surface only.
Mounting tolerances either refer to measuring
surface "S" or "BR". The sensor's active surface is
shown on the identificaton plate or in the delivery