8 MSK500/1
Datum 12.05.2015
Art.Nr. 81413
Änd. Stand 87/15
Fig. 1: Mounting of the magnetic strip
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
A before B
active side
1 ... 2 mm
hout r
ence point
1 ... 1.5 mm
h r
ence point
Direction of
o u t g o i n g
Gap sensor/magnetic strip
maximum alignment error
Admissable deviation
middle of tape/sensor:
without ref. point ±2 mm
with ref. point ±0.5 mm
Position of the reference point relating
to the marking on the magnetic strip
Travel direction
• Also fix cover strip's ends to avoid unintentional
3.3 Mounting of the magnetic sensor MSK500/1
The magnetic sensor MSK500/1 can be fastened by
using two bolts M3 over the ø3.5 mm through holes.
We recommend to use the enclosed fixing screws and
washer springs (fastening torque 0.25 Nm).
• Cables should be layed in such a way that there is
no danger of damaging. Provide tension relief and
drag chain or casing, if necessary.
Observe the correct alignment with regard to
the counting direction (fig. 6 and 7).
This does
not apply if the counting direction can be reversed
in the electronic interpretation (e. g. in
magnetic-strip displays).
The tolerance and gap measures must
be observed over the whole measuring length.
MSK500/1 with MB500/1
Do not expose the system to magnetic
fields. Any direct contact of the magnetic strip with
magnetic fields (e. g. adhesive magnets or other
permanent magnets) is to be avoided. Sensor mo-
vements during power loss are not captured by the
follower electronics.
Mounting examples
Mounting with chamfered ends (fig. 2) is not re-
commended unless the strip is installed in a safe
and protected place without environmental influ-
ences. In less protected mounting places the strip
may peel. There we recommend mounting accord.
to fig. 3 and 4.
Mounting in a groove (fig. 5) best protects the ma-
gnetic strip. The groove should be deep enough to
totally embed the magnetic strip.
3.2 Mounting of the magnetic ring MR500
Slide magnetic ring MR500 onto the shaft and then
tighten grub screw M6 to fix it to the shaft.
• Ensure sliding fit between shaft and MR500.
• Mount MR500 without force and without strain.
Possible forces should go to the metal flange.
Avoid knocks on the magnetic ring.
• Provide for a relief groove in the solid shaft (see
fig. 7).