Installation English
AH36M · Date
05.03.2018 · Art.
85966 · Mod.
Loss of type of protection
Sealing rings in the ball bearing are wearing parts! Therefore, the type of
protection depends on the service life and condition of the sealing rings.
Mounting the encoder
Fasten the encoder by means of spring clips and clamping of the shaft.
Take care to mount the absolute encoder free from distortion.
No forces must be transferred through the housing. Forces must act
exclusively on the shaft of the instrument.
4.2 Electrical installation
Destruction of parts of equipment and loss of regulation control
All lines for connecting the absolute encoder must be shielded.
Never wire or disconnect electrical connections while they are live.
Perform wiring work in the de-energized state only.
Use strands with suitable ferrules.
Check all lines and plug connections before switching on the device.
Switch on operating voltage together with the downstream electronic
unit (e. g., control unit).
Basically, all connections are protected against external interference.
Choose a place of operation that excludes inductive or capacitive inter-
ference influences on the absolute encoder. When mounting the system
keep a maximum possible distance from lines loaded with interference. If
necessary, provide additional installations including screening shields or
metallized housings.
Admissible power input
Supply for the absolute encoder shall be sized sufficiently. When acceler-
ating, power input may be higher than nominal current for a short period.
The voltage values are a function of the device design and can be referred
to in the technical data in chapter
Pin assignment
Plug pin 5 pin M12 A-coded
For mating connector accessories see chapter