General Notes
As you work on your Tiger, study the plans and this instruction sheet. Proceed step-by-step, in the order suggested, and most
problems just won't happen.
Prevent framework and plans from sticking together by covering plans with transparent kitchen wrap.
Don't remove parts from the die-cut balsa sheets until you are ready to use them. Carefully use a stiff backed razor blade to free
stubborn pieces. Trim the scrap wood away from the outside of the part in small pieces. Prying or forcing may damage the part.
Don't push pins through small balsa pieces. Hold the parts in place over the plans with pins on each side not through the middle.
If balsa strips must be bent, soak them first in water. Use lots of pins to hold the curved shape. Allow to dry overnigh t before
cementing other parts to them.
Don't Hurry! When a part has been soaked or cemented, wait for it to dry completely before going ahead. While that assembly is
drying, work on some other part.
Always cement your sandpaper to a block. A 3-inch length of I"x2" lumber is a handy size.
Use Sig-Bond or Sig-Ment to assemble balsa frameworks. Do not use cement made for plastic models. Attach tissue with full
strength clear dope. If you dope the covering, use only Sig Lite-Coat dope. Ordinary dope will shrink the tissue too much,
causing the surfaces to warp.