The following control surface data has been flight tested with the
T-CLIPS. However these numbers are only recommended as a
starting point. Your flying style may dictate changes.
High Rate Throws
High rate control throws are only meant for extreme aerobatics -
not for normal flying. You should be competent and comfortable
flying your T-CLIPS with normal control throws before attempting
high rates.
You will find lots of opinions about the proper
amount of exponential travel to use on each control surface in both
low and high rate settings. The best aerobatic pilots in the world
agree that you will want more expo at high rates than at low rates.
After test flights adjust your settings as needed to obtain the con-
trol feel you want. Consult your radio manual to find out how to
adjust the exponential settings of your transmitter.
When it comes to test flying a new model, we always advise mod-
elers to choose a calm day with little or no wind. These conditions
allow you to better evaluate and more accurately adjust the trim
requirements for your airplane. As we’ve mentioned before, a
good running, reliable motor is a must for the ultimate success of
your airplane. Take the time to solve any power system problems
before you try to fly.
Always make it part of your pre-flight routine to check each control
on the airplane, making sure the surfaces are moving in the cor-
rect directions. Also check each control linkage to be sure they
are secure and that nothing is loose. With all the controls
checked, make a range check with your radio system, making
sure everything is working perfectly.
We hope that your T-CLIPS will provide you with many enjoyable
hours of flight. Good luck and safe flying!
3/4" up
40%-50% expo
3/4" down
3/8" up
40%-50% expo
3/8" down
1-1/4" right
25%-40% expo
1-1/4" left
1-1/4" up
55%-70% expo
1-1/4" down
5/8" up
55%-70% expo
5/8" down
2" right
50% expo
2" left