moisture. When exposed to drier air, the wood typically loses this
moisture, dimensionally "shrinking" in the process. In turn, this
may cause some wrinkles. However, wrinkles are easy to remove
by just using a hobby type heat iron.
We suggest covering the iron's shoe with a thin cotton cloth, such
as an old T-shirt, to prevent scratching the film. The iron should be
set to 220
F - 250
F (104
C - 121
Use the heated iron to
lightly shrink the material - do not press on it. Then, lightly iron the
material back down to the wood. You can also use a hobby-type
heat gun to re-shrink the covering but you must be careful around
seams or color joints.
Re-heating seams may cause them to
"creep", making them unsightly. This is especially true with the
trim scheme and pin striping. You must
also be careful when using a heat iron or heat gun when working
around the windshield and side windows - heat will distort this
clear plastic material.
Your SOMETHIN’ EXTRA ARF is covered with SIG Aerokote
#SIGSTL100 White
#SIGSTL312 Fire Red or #SIGSTL360 Violet
For proper assembly, we suggest you have the following tools and
materials available:
A selection of glues - SIG Thin and Thick CA and
SIG Kwik-Set 5-Minute Epoxy
Threadlock Compound, such as Loctite
A selection of hand tools, such as;
Screwdriver Assortment
Pliers - Needle Nose & Flat Nose
Diagonal Wire Cutters
Small Allen Wrench Assortment
Pin Vise for Small Dia. Drill Bits
Hobby Knife With Sharp #11 Blades
Heat Iron and Trim Seal Tool
Masking Tape
Paper Towels
Small Power Drill With Selection of Bits
In addition you will also be required to make a few solder
connections. We suggest that you have a good soldering iron and
good quality solder and flux. For the pushrod connections, we use
and like the Stay-Brite
Silver Solder product.
The following is a complete list of all parts contained in this kit.
Before beginning assembly, we suggest that you take the time to
inventory the parts in your kit. Note that the hinges for the rudder,
elevator, and ailerons are in place in the kit. These have not yet
been glued.
1 each Fuselage
1 each Fuselage/Canopy Hatch With Hardwood Hardpoint
for Nylon Bolt Attachment
1 each Horizontal Stabilizer and Elevator Set With Hardwood
Hardpoints for Tail Support Wires and Elevator Horn
1 each Vertical Fin and Rudder Set With Hardwood
Hardpoints for Tail Support Braces and Rudder Horn
1 set
Right & Left Wing Panels With Ailerons With
Hardwood Hardpoints for Aileron Horns
1 pair
Fiberglass Wheel Pants
1 each Canopy
1 each 2-56 x 3/4" Threaded Brass Coupler - Throttle Linkage
1 each 2-56 x 3/8" Slotted Bolt - Tail Brace/Fuselage
5 each 2-56 Solder Links - Ailerons (2), Rudder &
Elevator (2) & Throttle (1)
4 each 4-40 x 3/8" Round Head Bolts - Wheel Pant
4 each 4-40 Blind Mounting Nuts - Wheel Pant Mounting
2 each J-Hooks, Threaded - Wing Panel Retention
8 each #2 x 1/2" Pan Head Screws - Control Horn
1 each 2mm Wheel Collar With Set Screw and Allen Wrench
- Tailwheel Assembly
4 each PM2 x 12mm Phillips Head Bolts - Tail Wire Support
Attachment (3), Tail Wheel Attachment (1)
4 each M2 Hex Nuts - Tail Support Wire Attachment (3),
Tail Wire Attachment (1)
2 each M2 Washers - Tail Wire Attachment
4 each 2.3 x 8mm PWA Screws - Canopy Attachment Screws
3 each PM4 x 16mm Phillips Head Bolts - Main Landing Gear
4 each PM4 x 22mm Phillips Head Bolts - Motor Mount
MODELER’S TIP: A very easy way to avoid damaging seams
and joints when reshrinking the covering is to protect the
seams with wet paper towels rolled into strips. These are then
arranged directly onto the joints or seams and their coolness
protects the seam from shifting or "crawling" under heat.