Building The Fuselage Formers
Due to their large size, some of the fuselage formers could not be furnished in one-piece, but need to be built up from
several pieces. Take great care in the next few steps to insure that these formers are built accurately. How well you make
them match the plan will determine how well other fuselage parts will fit together later
Refer to Cross-Section F5 of the full size plans. Former F5 consists of one 1/4" ply Top, two 1/4"x1/2" ply Sides, and one
1/4"x1/2" balsa Bottom. Cut the 1/4"x1/2" ply pieces from the 24" long stock provided. Cut the 1/4"x1/2" balsa Bottom from
36" long stock. A piece of 1/4"x2-1/4"x6-1/4" plywood is provided for the former Top. Cut two 1/2"x15/16" notches in the
bottom corners of the top as shown here.
Cover the Cross-Section F5 drawing with waxed paper and epoxy the pieces of F5 together directly over the drawing.
Build former F6 directly over plan Cross-Section F6. This former consists simply of four pieces of 1/4"x1/2" balsa, cut from
36" stock.
Former F7 consists of two 1/4"x1/2"
balsa Sides, one 1/4"x1/2" balsa Bottom,
one printed balsa part F7A, and one die-
cut lite-ply Cabin Bulkhead. Cut out
these parts and glue together over the
F7 CrossSection drawing.
The die-cut balsa rear fuselage formers
F8, F9, F10, and F11 each come in two
pieces. Glue the halves together at the
center. F8, F9, and F10 should each be
reinforced with a piece of 1/8"x1/4"
balsa, as shown
Fuselage Frame Assembly
Cut the MF-1, MF-2, MF-3, MF-4 and MF-5 pieces from the 5/16" printed balsa sheets. Cover the Fuselage Main Frame
drawing with wax paper or plastic wrap for protection. Using the printed parts and 5/16" square balsa stick, construct two
identical main frame sides directly over the drawing. When dry, pin both main frame sides together and lightly even up the
edges with a sanding block.
Epoxy the die-cut lite-ply Fuse Side Sheeting onto the main frame sides. Be sure to make a right and leftl And try not to get
excess epoxy in the cutouts in the main frame for the landing gear blocks.
With a sanding block, bevel the inside rear ends of the fuselage sides where they will join together later.
The top structure of the cabin/window area, where the wing will sit, is a lamination of 1/4"x3/8" spruce to 3/16"x3/8" balsa.
From 36" long stock, cut two spruce and two balsa pieces to proper length. Glue the balsa pieces to the spruce pieces in a
manner which will give you a Right and Left Cabin Top piece.
Pin the Right Cabin Top piece in place on the Side View plan (balsa side up). Pin the Right Fuselage Side in place on the
plan (plywood side down). Carefully draw lines on these parts to mark the exact locations of formers F5, F6 and F7.