Pin wing panel back in place on the plan, at the same time gluing it to the Bottom Trailing Edge and Aileron Sheeting.
Add small riblet W3A. Be careful about exact location. Extend a line off of the die-cut slit in ribs W4 and W5 for alignment.
Add die-cut plywood riblet W5A and balsa riblets W4A and W4B. Again be careful of exact positioning.
Cut to length and glue in place the 5/16"x1-1/8" balsa Tapered T.E. stock. Fill-In
between the last two full length W4 ribs at the wingtip. Take down the top surface
with a small sanding block until it's flush with the tops of the ribs.
Glue on the 3/32"x1-1/2" balsa Top Trailing Edge Sheeting. Epoxy glue is
recommended here for two reasons: First, it will have less tendancy to bow or
warp the trailing edge, than would a water-base glue. Second, it gives you plenty
of time to get the top sheeting pinned down securely, absolutely flat on the board.
Add the 3/32"x1-1/2" balsa Top Aileron
Sheeting. Check the location carefully
with the aileron cross-section drawings.
Glue gusset WG-1 in place against rib
W3 and inside the trailing edge sheets.
Carve and sand the 1/8" Leading Edge
flush with the tops of the ribs.
Glue and pin in place the 3/32"x3" balsa
Top Leading Edge Sheeting. Also add
the sheeting that goes over ribs W1 and
W2 (cut from 3/32"x4"x36" stock).
Cut to length and glue on all of the
3/32"x1/4" balsa Capstrips for the top of
the wing.
After the wing has thoroughly dried, unpin it from the board and install the die-cut plywood strut mounts FSM, RSM,and
JSM on the bottom.
Sheet over the bottom of ribs W1 and W2 with 3/32" x 4" balsa. Leave a gap in
the sheeting where the die-cut ply Rear Dihedral Brace goes. It will be installed
Add all of the bottom Capstrips.
Do not block sand the wing panels yet!
Wing Tips
Glue die-cut balsa parts T-4, T-5, T-6 and W6 in place on the die-cut ply wingtip plate WTP.