Glue the 1/4"x1/2" pieces inside the fuselage frame with the trued side up. Position the line drawn on them exactly on the
top of the fuselage sides - with 1/4" protruding above the sides. The top of the pieces must be parallel to the top of the
sides so that the plywood platform F10 will also be parallel and thus set the wing incidence at 0 degrees.
Epoxy the plywood platform F10 squarely in place.
Carefully draw lines on F10 marking the exact center lines of the 1/8" LD. brass
tubing cabane strut mounts. J-bolts are used to anchor the mounts. Put a piece of
1/8" dia. wire into the tubing when tightening down the J-bolts to prevent the
tubing from being distorted. Do not overtighten. Check carefully to see that the
distance between both mounts is exactly the same on both sides - 4-5/16" center
to center. Check also that the tubing is parallel to the firewall and at right angles
to the fuselage sides. When satisfied with the alignment, coat the tubing and J-
bolts (top and bottom) with epoxy glue so that they will not vibrate loose later.
Completing The Fuselage
Glue the rear formers F5A, F5B, F6, F7,
F8 and F9 to the fuselage at the
locations shown on the plan.
Glue the seven 1/8"x1/4" top stringers
on formers F5B thru F9. Check the
cross-section drawings on the plan for
the correct positioning.
Glue front formers F2, F3 and F4 in place.
Attach the 1/8" sheet front fuselage planking in sections as follows:
Over The Formers:
Use two 4" wide sheets to allow planking over the left and right sides of the formers separately with with a seam at the top.
Note also that there are two F2 formers to allow the areas fore and aft to be sheeted with separate pieces, duplicating the
profile of the full size Miniplane.
Start on one side by gluing and pinning a sheet to the top 1/4" sq. of the main
frame. Glue only the area of formers F2 thru F5A. Trim the sheet roughly to
shape after trial bending over the formers. Wet the outside surface of the sheet if
necessary to aid in bending. Trim away most of the sheet in the cockpit area, but
leave enough for a final trimming and shaping later. Apply glue to the formers and
start pinning the sheet securely to the formers working along the bottom first,
then upwards. Trim the sheet straight along the top, and along the front (it should
cover just the second F2). Apply sheet to the other side, joining with the first
sheet at the top of the formers. Plank across the firewall and the first F2 former in
the same manner.
Nose Sides And Bottom:
Use 4" wide sheets to cover the sides. Spread glue over the nose doublers and butt the sheet against the previously
attached top planking. Push firmly in place, forcing out any air pockets to get a strong wood to wood lamination. Use plenty
of pins to hold the sheet securely while drying. Wipe off any excess glue and trim the edges straight.
Fill in the openings in the bottom nose sections between the firewall, the landing gear blocks, and the F10 plywood with
1/8" sheet balsa. Run the grain of the sheets crosswIse.
Glue to the fuselage all 1/8" sq. side stringers, and the 1/8"x1/4" bottom stringers and tail filler pieces. Taper these
stringers in the last 1-1/2" of their length to the thickness of the tail post at the rudder hinge line.