The recommended engine installation, using a side mounted engine, is shown on the plan. The original models used no
engine offset to the right or down and this gave good results. It is easiest to install the engine mounts before the firewall is
attached to the fuselage. Mark the vertical and horizontal center lines on the firewall, using the drawing on the plan as a
reference. Determine the spacing required between the engine mounts for your engine. Mark the appropriate mount
locations and mounting hole spots on the firewall.
Drill the engine mount holes in the firewall. Epoxy 6-32 blind nuts to the back of
the firewall to retain the mounts. The holes in the firewall must be large enough
to allow the blind nuts to pull into the firewall when the mounting bolts are
The backplate on Goldberg spinners
has a recessed back, so the engine
must be mounted about 1/8" farther
ahead than when using other brands
of spinners. This is not a problem, but
it is best to have the spinner on hand -
whatever the brand - when installing
the cowl, to be sure of good
The engine should be positioned on the aluminum mounts so that the spinner
backplate is about 1/16" to 3/32" ahead of the cowling. With the mounts bolted in
place on the firewall, determine the proper location of the engine on the mounts
and mark the mounting holes. Drill the holes with a #36 drill, and tap for 6-32
mounting bolts.
Joining The Fuselage Sides
Bevel the rear ends of the fuselage
sides on the inside as shown on the full
size plan.
Cover the top view of the fuselage plan
with wax paper or plastic wrap. The
sides are joined over the top view
upside down - flat top of the sides
against the building board. Start by
pinning down the sides at the front
(about the first 9") and joining along the
top with several temporary 1/4" sq.
cross-pieces. Join at the bottom by
gluing the two grooved hardwood
landing gear blocks in place. Check
carefully that the grooves in the blocks
are 2-1/4" apart ·as shown in the side
Add plywood piece F11.
After the front joints have dried, continue joining the sides toward the rear with
1/4" sq. cross-pieces.
When dry, remove the joined sides from the board and epoxy the firewall to the
front. Note that the firewall sticks up above the main frame sides. Position
accurately by marking the thrust line on the fuselage sides (the thrust line is 1/2"
from the top of the main frame) and aligning the mark with the thrust line
previously drawn on the firewall. When dry, the temporary 1/4" sq. balsa cross-
pieces along the top can be removed.
Should the 1/4"x1/2" balsa provided for assembly under plywood platform F10 be
a little bowed or not perfectly flat on one side, correct it with a sanding block.
Carefully draw a line 1/4" from the top of the trued side.