Hold the wing in position and locate the proper spots on the bottom of the wing to drill through to hit the hardwood wing
blocks in the desired location. Drill through the wing and anchor blocks with a No.7 drill. Tap the hardwood blocks with a
1/4-20 tap. Enlarge the holes in the wing to pass the nylon wing bolts by drilling through them with a 1/4" diameter drill.
Construction and fitting of the N-struts require the completed wings and fuselage.
The N-struts are functional - they link the top and bottom wing panels together
into a single structure greatly increasing the strength of both. Straight pieces of
1/16" diameter wire are provided to link the wings securely. The wires will be
streamlined with balsa wood. Note how the struts are fastened to the plywood
plates in the wings by means of a brass foot soldered to the 1/16" strut wire. The
foot is then held to the plywood plate by a small screw.
Drill a 1/16" diameter dole in each of the
1/8" plywood strut mounting plates in
the wings. Locate the holes as shown
on the plan. Notice that the location
differs between the top wing and the
bottom wing.
Assemble the top and bottom wings to
the fuselage.
Bend the ends of the 1/16" strut wires as required to allow them to plug straight into the holes.
Cut out eight brass feet from the 1/4" wide brass strip provided. Round the comers and remove any burrs with a file and
sandpaper. Drill holes in each foot as shown on the plan.
Carefully solder the brass feet to the 1/16" strut wires. The wires should be installed between the wings during soldering to
achieve good alignment of the feet to the plywood plate. (See photo)
Drill a pilot hole to allow the No.2 screw to thread into the plywood mounting plate.
Use epoxy glue to attach the 1/8" sq. balsa fairing strips to the wires and to glue the 1/8"x5/16" balsa stick connecting the
struts. Shape the strut fairing balsa by carving and sanding all of the comers round. Fill in the open areas over the 1/16"
wire with Epoxolite putty. Reinforce the strut balsa joints with a layer of fiberglass cloth and epoxy where it is indicated on
the plan.
Attaching The Tail Surfaces
Remove the covering material from the bottom center of the stab. to allow a wood to wood joint, where it will contact the
With the wings mounted to the fuselage, pin the hinged stab/elevator assembly in place. Note that the fuse may need to be
trimmed slightly under the elevator dowel to permit adequate movement of ·the elevators. Carefully align the stab with the
wings from the top and front views. Mark the location of the fuse on the top and bottom of the stab center section. Remove
the stab and apply epoxy glue. Slow drying (not 5-minute) is recommended to allow adequate time to get the stab in exact
alignment before the glue hardens. Pin the stab back in place using the markings to get it in approximate alignment. Before
the glue hardens, recheck the alignment carefully by measurement and shift the stab position slightly if necessary.
Epoxy the fin/rudder assembly in place - align carefully.
Shape the 3/4"x1"x5-1/8" tail fairing blocks and glue in place.
Fill in the space in front of the stab leading edge with scrap balsa.
Note: The fuselage/fin fairing piece R5 should be added after the fuselage is covered.