Sand the bottom of the ABS plastic headrest as necessary to get a good fit on the top of the fuselage. Glue it in place on
the top of the fuselage. Glue it in place with Sig-Ment, used sparingly. Paint the headrest Brilliant White - refer to Sanding
and Painting Plastic Parts section.
Cut the windshield from clear plastic
sheet, using the pattern on the plan.
Fasten it to the model with SigMent
glue. The cyanoacrylate adhesives (Hot
Stuff, Jet, Zap, etc.) also work well for
attaching the windshield since they
bond almost instantly. Cover the glue
seam with a strip of vinyl plastic to
simulate the windshield attachment strip
of the full size airplane.
Cockpit of the Prototype Model
Cockpit of the Full-Size Miniplane
Williams Brothers 2-5/8" Scale Standard Pilot is recommended for the Smith Miniplane.
Instructions For Dry Application:
Cut the decal from the sheet with scissors or a sharp modeling knife. Trim close to the image, leaving about 1/32" to 1/16"
of clear edge. Peel the backing sheet from about half of the decal because after it is in place it is very difficult to move.
Once it is in place, press down on the edge and carefully work toward the half which does not have the backing sheet
removed. Continue to peel off the backing sheet as you press the decal into place, being careful not to trap air under the
decal. If an air bubble is trapped under the surface, puncture it with a pin and press the decal down on the surface. Rub
with a soft, dry cloth to make certain it is sealed to the surface.
Instructions For Wet Application:
Cut out the decals with a pair of sharp scissors. Leave about 1/32" to 1/16" of clear edge around the decal. Round the
comers as you are cutting. Wet the surface on which the decal will be placed with soapy water (use dishwater detergent).
Peel the decal film from the backing sheet. Place the decal on the model and squeegee the water from underneath with a
balsa paddle. Allow to dry. This procedure will prevent air from being trapped underneath as is possible when the decals
are applied dry. It also permits shifting it to exact position during application. Decals applied dry cannot be moved after
they are pressed on.
Tank Installation
Use a 8 or 10 ounce rectangular plastic clunk tank. A side mounted engine
installation is recommended. The plan shows the- correct position of the tank for
proper fuel draw and idle characteristics. Assemble your tank as shown in the
photo with three outlet tubes - 1 fuel feed and-2 vents to allow refueling without
removing the fuel feed line at the carburetor. Both vent tubes should curve
upwards inside the tank. Drill a group of three holes in the firewall large enough in
diameter to pass the tank outlet tubes with fuel line tubing installed.
Install the tank semi-permanently with cross-pieces of plywood or balsa to hold it
in place. If the tank is equipped with an internal fuel line cut from Sig Heat Proof
tubing it can be left in the fuselage indefinitely since this line -will not harden
when immersed in fuel. Seal the outlet holes in the firewall against leakage of
exhaust oil into the fuselage with G.E. Silicone Seal or equivalent silicone rubber
sealer. Should the need arise to remove the tank, break away the wood supports
and bathtub seal and pull the tank out through the lower wing opening.
Radio Installation Notes
NOTE: No servo Mounting Material or Hardware is supplied in this kit.
The most convenient method of installing servos is on the plastic mounts which most of the radio equipment makers offer
with their outfits or as an accessory. These are screwed to hardwood mounting rails for fuselage servos or to hardwood
blocks for mounting in the wing. Instructions for the use of these mounts are included with them.