Don't use a ball point pen for making marks on the model during construction. If not sanded off, these ink marks will show
through the model's final finish. Use a pencil instead of a pen.
Identifying Kit Parts
Leave all die-cut parts in the sheets until needed in construction. Then remove the pieces from the sheets carefully. If
difficulty is encountered, do not force the part from the sheet - use a modeling knife to cut it free.
The die-cut balsa wing ribs are identified below. The die-cut plywood parts can be identified using the plans and the "KEY
TO PLYWOOD FORMERS". Mark the identification numbers on the corresponding parts before removing them from the
die-cut sheets.
All of the other parts can be identified by the "COMPLETE KIT PARTS LIST". Sort the different sizes of sticks and sheets
into individual piles to avoid confusion during building. Cut all long pieces of balsa first, followed by medium lengths, before
cutting up any full length strips into short pieces.
NOTE: Save any scrap balsa and plywood until the model is completely done. Some of it may be called for during
Die-Cut Balsa
2 1/16"x3"x18" Inboard Wing
Panel Ribs, W-1 & W-1A
2 1/16"x3"x12" Outboard Wing
Panel Ribs, W-2 thru W-8
Silkscreened Balsa
1 3/32"x5"x36" SHEET NO.1;
Fuselage Sides
1 3/16"x3"x18" SHEET NO.2; Tail
Sheet Balsa
8 1/16"x1"x20" Leading Edge
1 1/16"x3"x36" Wing Center
Sheeting, Shear Webs
1 3/32"x3"x36" Fuselage Sheeting,
Top and Bottom
1 1/4"x2-1/4"x8" Fuselage
Top Block and Hatch
Stick Balsa
14 1/16"x3/16"x36" Capstrips
3 1/8"x3/16"x36" Diagonal Ribs for
Tail, Fuselage Stiffeners
3 3/16"x1/4"x36" Stabilizer, Elevator,
Fin and Rudder Frames
1 1/4" Triangle x12"
Fuselage Longerons
3 1/4" Triangle x36" Fuselage
Special Shaped Balsa
4 1/4"x1"x20" Trailing Edge
4 3/8"x20" Shaped Leading Edge
Block Balsa
2 3/4"x1"x 6" Wingtips
1 1-1/2"x2"x2-1/2"; Nose Block
1 1/4"x3/4"x1" Basswood -
Notched Towhook Block
2 5/32" dia. x3" Birch Dowels -
Wing Hold-down Dowels
4 1/8"x1/4"x18" Outboard Wing
Spars, Top and Bottom
4 3/16"x1/4"x 20" Inboard Wing
Spars, Top and Bottom
1 3/16" sq. x4" Elevator Joiner
Die-Cut Plywood
2 1/32"x4-1/2"x9-1/2" Fuselage
Doublers FDF, FDR
1 3/32"x2-3/8"x11" Dihedral Brace 1 1/8"x4-1/2"x6" Fuselage Formers,
Towhook Base
6 Easy Hinges
2 Small Molded Nylon Control
Horns (for elevator and rudder)
5 #2 x1/2" Sheet Metal Screws (for
control horns & hatch hold-down)
2 2-56 R/C Links
4 2-56 x10" Threaded Rods
2 .190" o.d.x20" Outer Nylon
Pushrod Tubing
2 .130" o.d.x24" Inner Nylon Pushrod
Miscellaneous Parts
1 3/32" dia.x1-7/8" Formed Wire
1 38"x50" Full-Size Printed Plan
1 28 Page Instruction Booklet
1 3"x4-1/2" Decal
About The Building Sequence
The quickest and most efficient way to complete a model is to work on several pieces at the same time. While the glue is
drying on one section, you can start on or proceed with another part. Work can even go forward on several sections of the
same assembly at the same time, such as the front and rear sections of the fuselage.