Sailplanes are an easy and relaxing way to learn and enjoy radio control flying. To fly them well, however, takes a lot of skill
and knowledge about the air in which they fly. The RISER was designed with the beginner and sport flier in mind to create a
"floater" that's docile and predictable in flight. The RISER'S gentle handling characteristics doesn't mean it lacks
performance. Experts will find the RISER is capable of holding its own in two-meter sailplane competition.
The versatile RISER can even make a good R/C trainer! Many model clubs around the country like to train student pilots on
a sailplane because of their gentle and slow speed flying characteristics. The slow speed allows the beginner ample time to
develop the skills that are necessary for flying radio controlled models. If you have never flown an R/C model before, we
strongly recommend that you obtain the assistance of a skilled R/C pilot before attempting to fly your Riser for the first time.
Instructions for installing the optional wing spoilers are included with the kit on a separate sheet. Spoilers are essential for
making consistent spot landings and for other multi-task soaring events. Since they aren't necessary for everyday fun flying,
the materials for adding spoilers to your RISER are not included in the kit.
Notes Before Beginning Construction
Any references to right or left refers to your right or left as if you were seated in the cockpit.
To build good flying models, you need a good straight building board. Crooked models don't fly well! The building board can
be a table, a workbench, a reject "door core" from the lumber yard, or whatever - as long as it is perfectly flat and untwisted.
Cover the top surface of the building board with a piece of celotex-type wall board or foam board, into which pins can be
easily pushed. Don't hesitate to use plenty of pins during assembly to hold drying parts in correct position.
When pinning and gluing parts directly over the full-size plans, cover the plan with wax paper or plastic kitchen wrap to
prevent gluing the parts to the plans.