a. Smooth and even F-IA and F-IB with a sanding block.
b. Glue them together using epoxy glue. Notice that there is a 1/16" gap on both sides. This is to allow space for the
fuselage sides. It is a good idea to mark the location of the engine mount at this time.
Drill or cut out the 1/8" dowel holes in the fuselage sides. This will locate the holes after the balsa doublers have been glued
in place.
Balsa Doubler Gluing Notes
Do not use Sig Bond, Tite Bond,
Elmer's or other water based glues to
glue the balsa doubler to the fuselage
side. The water will cause the
fuselage side and the doubler to curl
unless they are heavily weighted with
very secure weights and left to
completely dry.
Some builders like to use contact
cement for doublers. With this
method, the doubler and the fuselage
side are each coated with the glue
and after drying are pressed together.
If this is done, remember that once
they touch each other they are
permanently joined, so have some
pins in place to guide the doubler into
exact position as it is lowered. Also, a
piece of wax paper between the two
parts will keep them from sticking
together until you are sure they are
accurately positioned, then the paper
can be slipped out and the parts
pressed together.
The doubler on the prototype Hummer
was glued on with Sig Kwik-Set 5-
minute epoxy and this is the method
we recommend.
Using a paddle, spread a thin coat of epoxy on the die-cut 1/16" balsa doubler FD.
Don't use a large amount of epoxy as this will add unnecessary weight.
Glue doubler FD in place.
Repeat the same process for doubler FDB. Use plywood former F-2 to space the
two doublers. Do not glue F-2 in place.
Cut the nose doubler ND out of the 1/8" printed balsa sheet. Be sure to cut outside
of the lines and then sand down to the line.
Glue ND in place using the firewall as a spacer. Do not glue the firewall in place.
Cut pieces of 1/8" square balsa as indicated on the printed fuselage side.
Using F-3 as a spacer, glue and pin the pieces in place. Do not glue F-3 in place.
Glue on the cross-pieces of 1/8" square balsa as indicated. It helps to cut the pieces slightly oversize, then bring to exact fit
with a sanding block.
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Sig Hummer SIGRC50 Instruction Manual