The Hummer is designed as a 2-channel sport model and also makes a good l/2A racer. Although the Hummer is not
recommended for the beginner, anyone with some R/C experience should have no problem flying it. Using a Cox Black
Widow or similar reed valve engine, the Hummer is an easy flying model. With a Cox Tee-Dee .051 it really turns on the
speed and is perfect for sport racing.
Radio Equipment
The Hummer requires only aileron and elevator control so any radio with 2 or more channels may be used. Special micro-
size radios are not required. The prototypes used 2 functions of 4 and 6 channel radios. The radio compartment is large
enough for standard size battery packs and servos.
Recommended Glues
The framework may be glued together using Sig-Bond resin glue, Sig Kwik-Set epoxy and cyanoacrylate "super" glues.
With an airplane of this size it is important to keep the weight down so go easy on the glue and paint. Be sure to use epoxy
glue when joining the firewall pieces F-IA and F-IB and when gluing the firewall and other formers in place.
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Sig Hummer SIGRC50 Instruction Manual