Individual Part Inspection:
Although your Edge 540T ARF airframe was carefully and
expertly constructed, we still suggest that you conduct a full and
complete airframe inspection.
Finding and correcting any
structural issues now will greatly enhance and prolong the life of
your model. Inspect each joint to make sure these are all secure.
If necessary, use a good quality 15 or 30-minute epoxy to re-glue
or reinforce any suspect joint.
Incidence & Thrust Angle Information:
Incidence and thrust have been built into the model at the factory.
However, some people may still wish to know these values:
Engine Thrust:
Right Thrust
(Built into engine mount)
Down Thrust
The Edge 540T ARF is a very large model airplane that obviously
requires a large enough space to assemble it and work on it, in
order to avoid damage. We strongly suggest that your workbench
area be protected with sheet rubber foam or some similar padding
material in order to minimize the possibility of scratching or
denting the covered airframe parts.
With the exception of the hinging procedure for the flight surfaces,
and the use of CA to harden various threaded holes in wood, there
will not be much further need to use epoxy or CA glues in or
around the outer surfaces of the various airframe parts. However,
if you should accidentally drip or spill these adhesives onto the
covering of your model, they can usually be totally removed. In the
case of epoxy, use denatured alcohol and a soft cloth to remove it
as quickly as possible, before it cures. In the case of CA glues,
when this stuff dries, it can be difficult to remove. We suggest
using a soft cloth and CA debonder to first soften the glue and then
carefully wiping it away.
The canopy hatch on the top of the fuselage should be removed
and set aside until the model is fully assembled. The canopy hatch
is held in place with four M3 x 10mm PWA bolts - two on each side
of the fuselage.
Remove these bolts and remove the canopy
hatch. Keep the bolts with the hatch so as not to lose them.
It is always best to have all of the equipment that you plan to use
in your model - engine, radio system, various accessories, etc. -
available to you before you start assembly.
Graphics Application:
We have found that it is much more convenient to apply the
graphics to the wing panels, fuselage, and rudder of the Edge
540T model before the assembly process. However, you can use
the following instructions to apply your graphics either now or after
you have completed the assembly steps.
Your Edge 540T ARF kit includes a beautiful and very large
graphics sheet. These graphics are of high quality and include a
unique light-tack clear carrier sheet that allows you to precisely
position each separate graphic onto the surface of the model.
There are six (6) basic graphics contained on this sheet - 2 each
large "EDGE 540" graphics, tapered to fit onto the wings, 2 each
smaller "EDGE 540" graphics, tapered to fit onto the fuselage
sides, behind the canopy, and 2 each "N540SG" graphics for the
rudder. Use the box label for locations of each graphic.
Begin by using a pair of scissors to cut each of the six graphics
from the overall sheet. The following technique is the easiest way
to locate and then adhere these very large graphics. Use a good
quality cleaning solution, such as SIG Pure Magic Model Airplane
Cleaner, Windex
, or Fantastic
to first liberally spray the area that
will receive the graphic. Next, carefully and slowly remove the
white paper backing from the graphic, leaving it in place on the
clear carrier film. Now spray the adhesive side of the graphic
Lightly place the graphic and clear film carrier sheet - adhesive
side down - in place onto the model, in the area where it will be
permanently mounted. The cleaning liquid will keep the adhesive
from actually sticking. Do not press down on the graphic; just
position it approximately in place. You can now shift the graphic
into its final location on the model. Once the graphic is exactly
where you want it, hold it in place at one end with your fingers and
use a paper towel to lightly begin smoothing it in place with light
pressure. This will begin to remove some of the liquid beneath the
graphic, allowing it to begin to adhere.
last gram of weight wherever possible is very important.
understand fully that this type of wheel has a tendency to develop a
flat spot when the model is stored on its wheels over time. We
therefore suggest that the weight of the fuselage be taken off of the
wheels when airplane is being stored or is sitting on the flight line for
prolonged periods of time. For us, this bit of effort is worth it in the
long run. If you wish, you can replace the kit wheels with aftermarket
wheels of approximately the same diameter and hub width.