this process with the remaining wheel and wheel pant. Once you
are satisfied, remove the M3 x 15mm pant mounting bolts and the
wheel pants. Then remove the axle assemblies - with the wheels
and collars still in place - from the landing gear.
d) With the wheels and collars now in the correct positions on their
axles, you now want to file or grind small "flats" onto each axle
for the wheel collar setscrews. Loosen and remove one of the
outer wheel collars. Use a marker pen to mark the axle at the
approximate location of the setscrew. Use a file or a Dremel
with a carbide cut-off wheel to now create a small "flat" in the
surface of the axle. Remember, you want the setscrew pointing
straight down. Repeat this process on the remaining wheel axle.
Slide the wheel back in place on the axle and slide the wheel
collar back in place.
Use a screwdriver to lightly tighten the
setscrew over the "flat". You will be able to feel this "flat" by
rotating the collar a bit. If the flat is insufficient, remove the collar
and adjust it a bit with a file. Repeat this on the remaining wheel
With the two outer wheel collars now located and lightly tightened
in place against the outer wheel hubs, loosen the setscrew on one
of the inner wheel collars and slide it back to the hex fitting. Use a
small file to create a "flat" on the axle, at the setscrew position.
Check the "flat" positioning by sliding the collar back in place and
lightly tightening the setscrew. Adjust the "flat" until the collar can
be positioned correctly.
Repeat this process on the remaining
wheel axle and inner wheel collar.
Working with one wheel collar at time, remove the setscrew, coat
the threads with thread locking compound and reinstall it into the
collar. Use a screwdriver to now firmly tighten it to the axle, over
its axle "flat". Repeat this process with the remaining wheel collars
and setscrews.
e) Remount both wheel/axle assemblies to the main landing gear.
As before, use a couple of wrenches to firmly and permanently
install the 5/16-24 axle lock nuts in place. Coat the threads on the
four M3 x 15mm PWA pant mounting bolts with thread locking
Position a wheel pant of the over its wheel, and
against the landing gear, and bolt it firmly in place. Mount and
secure the remaining wheel pant.
f) The completed landing gear and wheel pant assembly can now
be mounted to the bottom of the fuselage, using four M4 x 20mm
PWA bolts and four 4mm split ring washers. Again, we suggest
using thread-locking compound on the bolt threads before
installation. Tighten each bolt securely.
5) Use your transmitter and receiver to now check and adjust the
proper movement of the elevator halves.
The pushrod clevis
locking nuts and clevis safety springs do not need to be tightened
or slipped into place until after the final control movements are
established later in this manual.
Landing Gear & Wheel Pant Assembly:
From the kit contents locate the Fiberglass Wheel Pants bag, the
Main Wheel bag (also contains wheel and pant hardware bag) and
the Main Landing Gear bag. In addition you will need to remove
the two pieces of tape holding the Main Landing Gear Hatch in
place to the bottom front of the fuselage. Taped to the Inside of this
hatch you will find a small bag containing two (2) T3 x 16mm Hatch
Mounting Screws. Also note that in side view there is a front and
rear edge to the main landing gear. In side view the leading edge
(or front) is straight and the trailing edge (or rear) is slightly angled.
Be sure to mount the wheel pants to the landing gear in this
a) Temporarily mount the wheel/axle assemblies to the landing
gear legs. Insert the threaded end of the axle through the hole in
the landing gear leg and thread the 5/16-24 lock nut in place. Use
an open-end 7/16" wrench at the outer axle hex nut fitting and an
adjustable wrench or a 1/2" socket wrench to snug the lock nut in
place - do not permanently mount it yet. Note that the outer axle
hex flange has to be aligned vertically to the landing gear legs to
provide mounting clearance for the wheel pant slot, including the
alignment of the two pant mounting bolts. Use the wrenches to
make this alignment and check it by placing the correct wheel pant
in place against the landing gear.
b) Slide one of the 5mm wheel collars in place onto each axle.
Rotate the collar to position the setscrew pointing straight down
and about 1/4" away from the axle hex fitting. Use a Phillips head
screwdriver to lightly tighten the setscrews in this position. Slide a
main wheel onto each axle, against the wheel collar. Slide the
outer wheel collars in place, just loosely against the wheel hub with
the setscrew point straight down.
Use a screwdriver to lightly
tighten the setscrews to hold the collar in place. Now position the
appropriate wheel pant in place over the wheel and up against the
landing gear. Insert one of the M3 x 15mm mounting bolts through
the inside face of the landing gear, into the wheel pant bolt hole to
engage the blind mounting nut threads. Use as screwdriver to run
the bolt all the way into the pant but do not tighten the bolt yet.
Install the remaining bolt in the same way. Repeat this process
with the remaining wheel pant.
c) View the relationship of the wheel to the wheel opening in each
wheel pant. What you want is the wheel approximately centered
within this opening. Use a screwdriver to adjust the two wheel
collars as needed to provide the correct centering of the wheel.
Re-tighten the collar setscrews to hold them in place and repeat