For the larger decals we suggest the following method of
a) Carefully cut out the decal with a hobby knife.
b) Peel the paper backing sheet completely off the decal, being
careful not to let the sticky side double over and adhere to
c) Use a product like SIG Pure Magic Model Airplane Cleaner,
, or Windex
to spray the area of the model that will
receive the decal. Then spray the adhesive side of the decal
as well.
d) Lightly place the decal onto the wet surface of the model. The
liquid cleaner solution will keep the decal from actually sticking
to the model until you have had time to shift it around into exact
position. Once in position, use a piece of stiff cardboard (or
sheet balsa, thin plywood, or a SIG SH678 EPOXY
SPREADER) to squeegee the excess liquid cleaner out from
under the decal. Squeegee repeatedly, removing all excess
liquid and any air bubbles. Mop up the liquid with a paper
towel. Allow to dry overnight.
e) When completely dry, wash off any soapy smears with a clean
wet rag.
Note: The individual lightning bolts were applied to the top of the
wing first (see photo above), using the “wet” method.
decals were then allowed to dry overnight. The next day, the
E-FORCE lettering were put on over the top of the lightning bolts,
again using the “wet” method (see photo below).
38) Use a ruler to accurately measure and adjust the travel of
each control surface to the amounts shown below. Keep in mind
that these settings are meant to serve as a starting point. As you
gain experience flying your E-FORCE, you may want to adjust the
throws to suit your flying style. All measurements should be taken
at the widest part of the elevators, ailerons, and rudder.
Low Rate
High 3D Rate
7/8" up
1-3/4" up
7/8" down
1-3/4" down
-20% expo
-70% expo
3/4" up
1-5/8" up
3/4" down
1-5/8" down
-20% expo
-50% expo
1-1/2" right
3-1/2" right
1-1/2" left
3-1/2" left
-20% expo
-70% expo
Note: High Rate 3D Control Throws
The 3D control throws are only meant for extreme aerobatics.
They are not meant for normal flying. You should be competent
and comfortable flying your E-FORCE with normal control throws
before attempting 3D rates.
The decals supplied with the E-FORCE are Mylar
stickers with an
extremely aggressive adhesive. These decals are not die-cut.
Each design must be cut from the sheet with a sharp #11 hobby
knife or a sharp scissors.
Small decals can be easily applied to the model by simply
removing the paper backing sheet, and then laying the decal in
position and pressing it in place with your finger.