possible. Note: It is easier to make this bend if you temporarily
remove the pushrod wire from the servo.
e) The excess length of pushrod wire can now be cutoff,
leaving a 3/16" end leg to pass through the control horn
hole. Use a good sharp pair of wire cutters to do this. Clean
off any burs on the end of the wire, caused by the cutting.
f) Reinstall the Z-bend end of the pushrod into the servo
output arm. Insert the 90° bent end of the pushrod into the
middle hole in the control horn. Slide the nylon pushrod
keeper up to the control horn and snap its tab end over the
exposed wire on the opposite side of the control horn.
g) Remove the pieces of tape holding the elevator in neutral
25) Repeat the proceedures in Step 24 to bend and install
pushrods for the rudder and ailerons.
Later, when you hook up and turn on your full radio
system for the first time, you may find that the length of the
pushrod wires did not come out exactly perfect, leaving the
control surfaces slightly out of neutral position. If so, you can
make small corrections to the overall pushrod length by slight
tweaking of the V-shaped adjustment bend that is provided in the
middle of each pushrod wire.
23) Mount 2 servos in the wing for the ailerons, using the screws
that came with the servos.
Note: The 4 Pre-Bent Pushrod Wires supplied in this kit are all
identical in length and shape.
24) In preparation for installing a pushrod to the elevator, center
the elevator servo output arm in neutral position. Use a small
piece of tape to hold the elevators in neutral position.
a) Slide one of the Nylon Pushrod Keepers over the plain
unbent end of the pushrod wire.
b) Insert the Z-bend end of the pushrod wire into the middle
hole of the servo output arm. Note: If the holes in your servo
arms are too small for the wire, drill out the holes with a #60
or 3/64" dia. drill bit.
c) Hold the pushrod wire against the side of the nylon control
horn and use a fine tip pen to mark the exact position of the
control horn hole onto the wire.
d) Use a pair of pliers to firmly grasp the pushrod wire at the
mark just made, and then bend the plain end of the wire 90
away from the fuselage.
Make the bend as sharp as