18) Repeat the proceedures in Step 17 to install a Nylon Control
Horn on the left side of the rudder.
19) Repeat the proceedures in Step 17 to install a Nylon Control
Horn on the bottom of each aileron.
For this section you will need 4 mini servos and appropriate
extension chords (see radio notes at beginning of this book).
20) Prepare your elevator and rudder servos for installation by
plugging a 6" long servo extension chord onto the end of each
servo wire. Secure these connections with a piece of plastic tape,
(not supplied), so that they cannot come apart in flight.
21) Mount the elevator and rudder servos in the fuselage, using
the screws that came with the servo. Note that the tops of both
servos should be on the left side of the airplane (where the
control horns are), while the servo wires should be on the right
side of the fuselage.
22) Note that there is a channel built into the fuselage to house
the elevator and rudder servo wires and route them forward to the
radio compartment in the wing. The entrance hole to this channel
is on the right side of the fuselage, right in front of the rudder servo.
a) Start by feeding the elevator servo wire into the entrance
hole. Keep pushing the wire forward through the channel until it
becomes visible in the channel exit hole, which is on the left side
of the fuselage, under the wing. Grab hold of the servo plug and
pull it out of the exit hole.
b) With the elevator servo wire already inside the channel, it's
going to be a bit trickier to get the rudder servo wire fed through the
channel. You won't be able to simply push the rudder servo wire
through the channel, like you did the first one. We recommend
getting a piece of string and tying a small flat metal washer (or
other small weight) to one end of the string. Tie the other end of
the string to the plug on the end of the rudder servo wire. Hold the
airplane nose down and drop the washer end of the string through
the channel - you may have to shake the airplane slightly to get the
washer to go past the elevator servo wire and plug that are already
in the channel. When the washer appears in the channel exit hole
at the wing, grab it and bring it outside of the hole.
c) Gently pull on the string to feed the rudder servo wire
through the channel. When it gets hung up on the elevator servo
wire inside the channel, (which it will), alternate gentle tugs on the
string and on the elevator servo wire, shaking the airplane slightly
in the process, until you get the rudder servo wire to come through
the channel. Don't get frustrated! It may take a few tries, but it will
come through eventually.