Important Note:
To be serviced only by an authorized person.
General Servicing Procedure
1. Turn off main gas at service cock.
2. Remove reflector assembly (a) by unscrewing 3 x M8 thumbscrews.
3. Unscrew the M8 hex set screw (located in the center of the cone shaped emitter) and
remove emitter for examination and cleaning. Wire brush inside and out of perforated
emitter cone to remove any deposits.
4. Remove wind shield guard to expose the main burner assembly and pilot burner
assembly examine, clean, or replace (see below).
Main Injector
Pilot Burner
Piezo Igniter lead
Ignition Electrode
5. Refer to 8.0 spares list for part codes.
Reassembly is a reverse of the above procedure.
The Sierra Heater must be tested and commissioned for operation and soundness as
described in 5.0 Installation and commissioning