Wireless Transceiver Tool (TLX) (For WFLN Version 1)
Network Information Commands
The following sections provide detailed information about the SCAN, CONFIG, BINDING, RSSI, COST,
and LQI commands.
Scanning for Devices (SCAN)
Always start a TLX session with the SCAN command.
The TLX scans the WFLN for devices and
establishes sequenced messaging connections to the devices. A scan report shows which FPX and
FLNXs are currently powered up, have the same Channel and Network ID settings, and are able to
communicate wirelessly with the TLX. The scan also shows which FLNXs have attached FLN devices
that are powered up and have been assigned an FLN (drop) address, including any addresses that are
duplicates. Also, if multiple FPXs incorrectly have the same Channel and Network ID settings, they are
described as such in the scan results.
To scan for devices:
, and then press
The following example shows what is displayed after the TLX finishes a scan.
Revision Date: June 20, 2006
CONFIDENTIAL: For Internal Use Only
Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.