Functional description
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©SIEMENS AG 2013 Nodal block SLoMAi_CD_pDB (FB166)
The block receives single, double or tap changing commands as well as analog and digital setpoint val-
ues from the control center and transfers these to the subordinated remote control unit.
CALL "SLoMAi_CD_pDB" , DB201
Comp_ID :=B#16#41
P_Application_Src :=#P_Appl_Sl
ASDU_Adr_Src :=L#21
P_Application_Dst :=#P_Appl_Ma
ASDU_Adr_Dst :=L#5
Lock :=
With_Termination :=
Timeout_Conf :=
Timeout_Term :=T#5S
Cmd_Buffer_Dim :=
CMD_RUN :=M400.0
CMD_Buf_DB :=
Illustration as CFC-block with default values
Illustration in AWL with fractional parameter supply
Important features are:
With minor effort of parameterization you can process all information in command direction:
- Single commands with TK 45, 58
- Double commands with TK 46, 59
- Tap changing commands with TK 47, 60
- Setpoint command with normalized value with TK 48, 61
- Setpoint command with scaled value with TK 49, 62
- Setpoint command with shortened floating point number with TK 50, 63
- Digital setpoint commands with 32 Bit bit pattern with TK 51, 64
Readings for the default adjustments can be taken from the corresponding variable comment.
On the other hand only a minimum of mandatory inputs are required.
The interconnection of ‚P_Application_Src’, ‚ASDU_Adr_Src’, ‚P_Application_Dst’ and ‚AS-
DU_Adr_Dst’ is a minimum requirement.
Possibility for filtering by
defined address bands with ‚First_Info_Adr_Src’, ‚Last_Info_Adr_Src’
Parameterization of the information object addresses (IOA) to be transferred not necessary if
the addresses can be used 1:1.
The allocation of an optional parameter data block enables the conversion of the information ob-
ject addresses.
A global blocking input allows the easy locking of all commands
Output for external evaluation of an active input command existing
Function (output) independent from received TK
Command storage and serial output of the buffered commands possible
(number according to ‚Cmd_Buffer_Dim)