PLC Subroutines Manual
6FC5397-0FP40-0BA0, 08/2013
Symbol table 17: IS_HMI
The symbol table 17 defines interface signals to/from the HMI.
Symbol table 18: IS_AUX
The symbol table 18 defines the interface signals from the NCK channel, including the auxiliary functions, D functions, H
function, etc.
Symbol table 19: IS_NCK
The symbol table 19 defines the interface signals to/from the NCK.
Symbol table 20: IS_CHA
The symbol table 20 defines the interface signals to/from the channel.
Symbol table 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: IS_AX1, IS_AX2, IS_AX3, IS_AX4, IS_AX5
These five symbol tables define the interface signals to/from the axes.
Symbol table 26: IS_AX_P1
The symbol table 26 defines the interface signals to/from the PLC axis.
Symbol table 27: MD_PLC
The symbol table 27 defines the PLC machine data from the NCK.
Symbol table 28: ALARM
The symbol table 28 defines each bit of a PLC user alarm (V1600 000x).
Symbol table 29: NV_MEM
The symbol table 29 defines all the user data (128 byte, retentive) used in the standard subroutines.
Symbol table 30: SPC_MEM
The symbol table 30 defines the seven special memories of the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED (SM0.0 to SM0.6).
Symbol table 31: SBR_MEM
The symbol table 31 defines the memories used in the standard subroutines. These memories can be used as the global
Symbol table 32: reserved for the subroutines
The symbol table 32 is a reserved symbol table.
Subroutine 20 - AUX_MCP (machine auxiliary functions)
Subroutine 20 is used to control machine auxiliary functions like lamps, safe door (milling) and chip remover (milling).
Local variable definition
Relevant PLC machine data