Distributed I/O Device ET 200R
Setting/Changing the PROFIBUS Address
The PROFIBUS address specifies the address under which the ET 200R distrib-
uted I/O device will be addressed by the DP master on PROFIBUS-DP.
The PROFIBUS address is set with the two decimal-coded, rotary switches in the
Permissible PROFIBUS address
A PROFIBUS address can from 1 to 125.
On delivery the PROFIBUS address is set to 0. This address must be changed
since it is reserved on the ET 200 distributed I/O system for the PG/PC.
Due to the rotary switch only the addresses 1 to 99 can be set on the ET 200R
module. Valid address area: 3 to 99.
Setting the PROFIBUS address
The rotary switches for setting the PROFIBUS address are located inside the
module behind the metric PG covering caps on the front.
Unscrew the covering cap and pull it off.
Set the PROFIBUS address with the rotary switches (see figure 3–3). Set the
tens with the left-hand rotary switch and the ones with the right-hand rotary
switch (for direction of viewing see figure 3–2).
Screw on the covering cap again. Make sure that the seals are positioned cor-
Figure 3-2
Accessing the rotary switches for setting the PROFIBUS address