General Technical Data
Distributed I/O Device ET 200R
UL listing mark
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) in acc. w.
standard UL 508, file no. 120 869
CSA C22.2 No. 14-95
6.2 Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic compatibility is the capability of an electrical system to function
satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without disturbing its surroundings.
The ET 200R distributed I/O device also fulfills, among others, the requirements of
the EMC law of the European domestic market.
Prerequisite for this: The cabling must be made in accordance with the specifica-
tions and guidelines of electrical setup.
Pulse-shaped interference
The following table shows the electromagnetic compatibility of the ET 200R distri-
buted I/O device in the presence of pulse-shaped interference.
Pulse-Shaped Interference
Test with
Electrostatic discharge
in acc. with IEC 61000-4-2
± 4 kV (contact discharge)
± 8 kV (air discharge)
Burst pulses (fast transient interference)
in acc. with IEC 61000-4-4
1 kV (signal line)
2 kV (power supply)
Surge (single high-powered pulse)
in acc. with IEC 801-5 (DIN VDE 0839, part 10).
Only with external lightning protection elements (see manual of the DP master).
Asymmetrical coupling
Symmetrical coupling
2 kV (signal line)
2 kV (power supply)
1 kV (signal line)
1 kV (power supply)
Sine-shaped interference
The following table shows the electromagnetic compatibility of the ET 200R distri-
buted I/O device in the presence of sine-shaped interference.