Product Information
E50417-X1040-C584-A3, Edition 09.2016
Read and understand these instructions and the relevant manual before
installing, operating, or maintaining the device.
Check on our homepage whether a new firmware version is available
and update your firmware if necessary.
You can find the manual and the firmware via the download area in the
Internet under:
Disclaimer of Liability
Although we have carefully checked the contents of this publication for
conformity with the hardware and software described, we cannot
guarantee complete conformity since errors cannot be excluded.
The information provided in this document is checked at regular intervals
and any corrections that might become necessary are included in the next
releases. Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.
Subject to change without prior notice.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2016 – All Rights Reserved.
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is
not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for
damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration
of a utility model or design, are reserved.
Registered Trademarks
SICAM® is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AG. All other product
and brand names in this manual might be trademarks, the use of which
by third persons for their purposes might infringe the rights of their
respective owners.
Open Source Software
The product contains, among other things, Open Source Software
developed by third parties. The Open Source Software used in the
product and the license agreements concerning this software can be
found in the Readme_OSS.
These Open Source Software files are protected by copyright. Your
compliance with those license conditions will entitle you to use the
Open Source Software as foreseen in the relevant license. In the event
of conflicts between Siemens license conditions and the Open Source
Software license conditions, the Open Source Software conditions shall
prevail with respect to the Open Source Software portions of the software.
The Open Source Software is licensed royalty-free. Insofar as the
applicable Open Source Software License Conditions provide for it you
can order the source code of the Open Source Software from your
Siemens sales contact - against payment of the shipping and handling
charges - for a period of at least 3 years since purchase of the Product.
We are liable for the Product including the Open Source Software
contained in it pursuant to the license conditions applicable to the
Product. Any liability for the Open Source Software beyond the program
flow intended for the Product is explicitly excluded. Furthermore any
liability for defects resulting from modifications to the Open Source
Software by you or third parties is excluded. We do not provide any
technical support for the Product if it has been modified.
Notes on Safety
This document contains notes that must be adhered to for your own
personal safety and to avoid damage to property. However, it does not
constitute a complete description of all safety measures required for
installation, service, and maintenance of the equipment (module, device)
in question. Details are to be taken from the device manual and those
are mandatory.
Danger of severe personal injury or substantial
damage to property
Hazardous voltages may occur in devices and modules
during operation depending on the design and
- Always observe the instructions given in “Qualified
Electrical Engineering Personnel” below.
Qualified Electrical Engineering Personnel
Only qualified electrical engineering personnel may commission and
operate the equipment (module, device) described in this document.
Qualified electrical engineering personnel in the sense of this document
are people who can demonstrate technical qualifications as electrical
technicians. These persons may commission, isolate, ground and label
devices, systems and circuits according to the standards of safety
Use as Prescribed
The equipment (device, module) may only be used for such applications as
set out in the catalogs and the technical description, and only in
combination with third-party equipment recommended and approved by
If the device is not used in accordance with this product information, the
scheduled protection is impaired.
Correct and safe operation of the product requires adequate transportation,
storage, installation, and assembly, appropriate use, and maintenance as
well as the attention of the WARNINGs.
During the operation of electric equipment, it is unavoidable that certain
parts of this equipment will carry hazardous voltages. Severe injury or
material damage can occur if the appropriate
are not taken.
The limiting values indicated in the product information and the manuals
must not be exceeded; this also refers to testing and commissioning.
Further Support
For any questions concerning your system, please contact your Siemens
The Siemens Customer Support Center provides around-the-clock support.
Phone: +49 (1805) 24-8437
Fax: +49 (1805) 24-2471
Statement of Conformity
Low-voltage Directive: 2014/35/EU
EMC Directive: 2014/30/EU
Radio Equipment Directive (RED): 2014/53/EU
This conformity is based on the compliance with the following
harmonized standards:
EN 61326-1, EN 61010-1, EN 300 328, and EN 301 511
For latest declaration of conformity, refer to
Used Symbols
Direct current IEC 60417-5031
Alternating current IEC 60417-5032
Direct and alternating current IEC 60417-5033
Three-phase alternating current
Earth (ground) terminal IEC 60417-5017
Protective conductor terminal
IEC 60417-5019
Caution, risk of electric shock
Caution, risk of danger ISO 7000-0434