4.4 S7 Distributed Safety
Fail-safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN
Function Manual, 08/2008, 6AV6691-1FQ01-2AB0
Rules for the safety program
Emergency stop button not evaluated
The emergency stop button can only be evaluated if you call an F_FB_RNG_n in your
safety program.
Always call an F_FB_RNG_n in your safety program, even if you do not use effective
ranges in your plant.
Prohibited restart of the plant
Once the emergency stop button has been triggered, the plant can only be restarted for
operation only after the operator provides acknowledgment. Use the FB 215 F_ESTOP1 in
your safety program to ensure acknowledgment by the operator.
Emergency stop button evaluation delayed
If the cycle time for OB 35 is set too high, message frame may be lost and the evaluation of
the "E-STOP" of F_FB_RNG_n may be delayed.
Set the cycle time for OB 35 lower than that for the PROFINET IO time.
Safety states not evaluated
The safety states, such as a global rampdown, can only be evaluated if you call an
F_FB_RNG_n in your safety program.
Always call an F_FB_RNG_n in your safety program, even if you do not use effective
ranges in your plant.
Emergency stop button enabled
If a global rampdown has been triggered by a communication error, the emergency stop will
no longer be available on the Mobile Panel in question.
You have the option of configuring the "Global rampdown" signal to trigger an emergency
The F FBs used are called cyclically and in a specific order in the safety program. You need
to call the F FBs in the following order in your safety program:
All F_FB_RNG_n
The operator must always acknowledge errors, such as communication errors. You cannot
use any automatic acknowledgment in your safety program, therefore.