Appendix A
A.1 Glossary of Terms
Function Manual, 03/2019, C79000-G8976-C452-04
Analytics and Location Engine. ALE gives visibility into everything the wire-
less network knows. This enables customers and partners to gain a wealth of
information about the people on their premises. This can be very important
for many different verticals and use cases. ALE includes a location engine
that calculates associated and unassociated device location periodically us-
ing context streams, including RSSI readings, from WLAN controllers or
Scalance W clusters.
Application Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages ap-
plication layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on.
Air Monitor. AM is a mode of operation supported on wireless APs. When an
AP operates in the Air Monitor mode, it enhances the wireless networks by
collecting statistics, monitoring traffic, detecting intrusions, enforcing security
policies, balancing wireless traffic load, self-healing coverage gaps, and
more. However, clients cannot connect to APs operating in the AM mode.
Advanced Monitoring. AMON is used in Aruba WLAN deployments for im-
proved network management, monitoring and diagnostic capabilities.
AirWave Management Platform. AMP is a network management system for
configuring, monitoring, and upgrading wired and wireless devices on your
Aggregate MAC Protocol Data Unit. A-MPDU is a method of frame aggrega-
tion, where several MPDUs are combined into a single frame for transmis-
Aggregate MAC Service Data Unit. A-MSDU is a structure containing multiple
MSDUs, transported within a single (unfragmented) data MAC MPDU.
Access Network Query Protocol. ANQP is a query and a response protocol
for Wi-Fi hotspot services. ANQP includes information Elements (IEs) that
can be sent from the AP to the client to identify the AP network and service
provider. The IEs typically include information about the domain name of the
AP operator, the IP addresses available at the AP, and information about
potential roaming partners accessible through the AP. If the client responds
with a request for a specific IE, the AP will send a Generic Advertisement
Service (GAS) response frame with the configured ANQP IE information.
American National Standards Institute. It refers to the ANSI compliance
standards for products, systems, services, and processes.
Application Programming Interface. Refers to a set of functions, procedures,
protocols, and tools that enable users to build application software.
Short form for application. It generally refers to the application that is down-
loaded and used on mobile devices.
Adaptive Radio Management. ARM dynamically monitors and adjusts the
network to ensure that all users are allowed ready access. It enables full
utilization of the available spectrum to support maximum number of users by
intelligently choosing the best RF channel and transmit power for APs in their
current RF environment.
Address Resolution Protocol. ARP is used for mapping IP network address to
the hardware MAC address of a device.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange. An ASCII code is a
numerical representation of a character or an action.
Band refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.