Reading data blocks and FBs from the SIMATIC station
1. Open the project in the SIMATIC Manager.
2. Select the menu command View > Online.
3. In the tree view, select the data blocks and FBs you want to read from the SIMATIC Station.
4. Select Edit > Copy from the menu.
5. Select the menu command View > Offline.
6. Select Edit > Paste from the menu.
Reading charts with current parameters from the SIMATIC station
1. Double-click any CFC chart in SIMATIC Manager to start the CFC Editor.
2. Select the menu command Chart > Read Back.
3. In the "Read Back Chart" dialog box, make the following settings:
– Source files: Program of the CPU
– Scope: OCM-capable parameters
Recommendation: back up the project at this point. You can find information on this in the
section "How to archive a project (Page 17)".
This data backup includes all current parameter settings of the SIMATIC station.
How to archive a project
You can use various tools to archive project data.
Below, the
PKZip (PKZip Server) program is used for archiving:
You can find the setup for
PKZip on the SIMATIC PCS 7-DVD. PKZip is automatically installed
during the PCS 7 system setup.
You can start
PKZip from the SIMATIC Manager.
● A tool is installed for archiving project data (default:
Making settings in SIMATIC Manager
1. In SIMATIC Manager, select the menu command Options > Settings.
The "Settings" dialog box opens.
2. Select the "Archive" tab.
3. Select your "preferred archiving program" from the drop-down list box (
PKZip is the default).
Ensuring Availability
3.2 Data backup
Service support and diagnostics (V8.0)
Service Manual, 03/2012, A5E02779775-02