Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
2 Introduction
This section outlines the physical design of the system, and provides an overview
of its functions.
The MT8001 Management terminal was designed to provide a single, easy-to-use
point of access to the entire security network used in your facility. Whether this se-
curity network is limited to a single floor, or spans an entire building, the MT8001
allows the end-user to monitor and control any area or device within the system
from one place.
In the case of a security event, the MT8001 alerts the end-user to that event, fur-
nishes important information about that event, and provides guidance during the
handing or treatment process.
Terminal users can monitor or modify the state of a large area, a control unit, a
single device or even a single device property. During routine activities such as
maintenance or inspections, users can easily isolate and deactivate/reactivate
specific areas and devices.
The MT8001 records every action and event that occurs and allows users to re-
trieve the data they need.
The MT8001 can work as a single solution for smaller facilities, or part of a larger
network of management stations at larger facilities.
Fig. 1
MT8001 Management terminal