HFP-11 Intelligent/Analog
The HFP-11 is an intelligent photoelectric detector with 135
Photoelectric Detector
thermal assist that can be used as an area or duct detector [HFP-11(d)]. The HFP-11 is
also a combination photo/thermal detector using our exclusive FirePrint
It uses either a DB-11 low profile mounting base, a DB-HR mounting base with relay,
an ADBH-11 audible base, or an AD-11P or AD-HR air duct housing.
FDOT421/OH921 Multi-
When used with DLC firmware 6.xx and later, the FDOT421 and OH921 are
Criteria Smoke Detector
advanced multi-criteria fire detectors that incorporate a redundant, optical/thermal
sensor. They use a surface-mounting base (Model DB-11 or Model DB-11E), which
mounts on a 4-inch octagonal, square or single-gang electrical box.
The FDOT421/OH921 multi-criteria smoke detector is an exchangeable detector for
the HFP-11 in XLS systems when DLC firmware 5.05.0006 is used. Use the DPU
programmer/tester (DPU revision 9.00.0009 or higher) with the FC20 system option
to program the FDOT421/OH921 to replace an HFP-11 detector in the DLC line. The
XLS system will recognize the FDOT421/OH921 as an HFP-11 and display HFP-11 in
the system’s PMI/PMI-2/PMI-3 interface and Zeus programming tool. The DLC
supports all functions and specifications of the HFP-11 for FDOT421/OH921 except
the following:
• Sensitivity Adjustment
• IEC Compensation Report
• Sensitivity Change through PMI/PMI-2/PMI-3
• ASD Disable (ASD can be temporarily disabled at the PMI/PMI-2/PMI-3
when testing is required.)
• ASD Disable with Alarm Verification
• Thermal Element Permanently Disabled
• ASD Duct with Alarm Verification
An EEPROM trouble is generated when ASD is disabled or Alarm Verifica-
tion is enabled.
The FDOT421/OH921 is NOT compatible with the following accessories:
AD2 Series Duct Detectors
FDCIO422 Addressable
The FDCIO422 is used for the connection of up to 2 independent Class A or 4
Input/Output Module
independent Class B dry N/O configurable contacts. Input lines can be supervised for
open, short, and ground fault conditions (depending on EOL termination resistor and
class configuration).
FDO421/OP921 Photo-
The FDO421 and OP921 are photoelectric smoke detectors that use state-of-the-art
electric Smoke Detector
microcontroller circuitry and surface-mount technology for maximum reliability. They
use a surface-mounting base (Model DB-11 or Model DB-11E), which mounts on a 4-
inch octagonal, square or single-gang electrical box.
FDOOT441/OOH941 Multi-
The FDOOT441 and OOH941 are advanced, multi-criteria fire detectors that
Criteria Smoke Detector
incorporate a redundant, optical/thermal sensor. They use a surface-mounting base
(Model DB-11 or Model DB-11E), which mounts on a 4-inch octagonal, square or
single-gang electrical box.