- 3
PAL-1 printer Appendix-9
PFT Series firefighter's telephones 1-14
phone group 4-21, 5-24
phone page 4-22
PMI person machine interface 1-4, 2-1
PMI-2 1-4
PMI/PMI-2 5-1, 5-2
PMI/PMI-2 person machine interface 1-1, 1-3, 1-
4, 3-1, Appendix-15
PSC-12 power supply 1-1, 1-4, 1-5, 2-2, Appendix-9
PSX-12 power supply extender 1-10
PTB Power Termination Board 1-6
PTB power termination board 1-1, 1-4, 2-4
REMBOX 2/4 remote enclosures 1-11
Reporting detector sensitivities 3-8
Configuration 3-8
History 3-8
Queue 3-8
Reset system 3-3, 3-6
RNI remote network interface 1-11
RPM remote printer module 1-4, 1-7
SBGA-34 audible base 1-16
SCM-8 switch control 1-11, 4-1, 4-4, 5-2, 5-5
Scroll UP / Scroll DOWN 3-2
Security 3-5
security point Appendix-9
Select Alert 4-10, 5-11
Select Background Music 4-12, 5-14
Select Convenience Page 4-11, 5-12
Select Evacuation 4-9, 5-10
Select Page 4-5, 5-7
sensitivity report 3-8
silence individual 4-14, 5-15
cancel 4-14, 5-15
Silent Knight Model 5129 Appendix-11
SIM-16 supervised input 1-11
soft keys 1-4, 3-1
acknowledge 3-3
acknowledge supervisory 3-5
acknowledge trouble 3-6
map 3-5
reset system 3-3
status 3-8
soft reset 3-6
speaker groups 4-13 to 4-20, 5-14 to 5-22
audible silence / unsilence 4-13, 5-15
audio to local speaker 4-17, 5-18
display 4-14, 5-16
alert 4-15, 5-17
auto 4-14, 5-16
background music 4-16, 5-18
convenience page 4-16, 5-17
evacuation 4-15, 5-17
silenced 4-15, 5-16
non-silence 4-14, 5-16
alert 4-17, 5-19
background music 4-18, 5-20
convenience page 4-18, 5-19
evacuation 4-17, 5-19
page 4-17, 5-18
select audio preview 4-16, 5-18
SSD system status display 1-11
Status report 3-8
Sensitivity 3-8
Supervisory 3-5
system priorities 4-3, 5-4
testing Appendix-13
touch screen 3-2
Trouble 3-6
trouble messages Appendix-15
TSP-40A Logging Printer 1-7
TZC-8B 1-14, 4-1, 5-2
VESDA 1-12
VGA display 1-4
VNT 1-15
voice system modules 1-12 to 1-14
AIC audio input card 1-12
DAC-NET 1-12
FMT fireman's master telephone 1-13
FTS Series Firefighter's Telephone Stations 1-13
LPB local page board 1-13
LVM live voice module 1-13
PFT Series Firefighter's Telephones 1-14
TXC-8B telephone zone card 1-14
ZAC-40 zone amplifier card 1-14
ZAM 180 zone amplifier module 1-14
voice system operation 4-2, 5-3
audible silence 4-13, 5-15
audible unsilence 4-13, 5-15
audio volume control 4-18, 5-20
automatic 4-2, 5-3
Alert signal 4-3, 5-4
evacuation signal 4-3, 5-4
cancel silence individual 4-14, 5-15
firefighters' telephopne system 4-21 to 4-22, 5-
24 to 5-25
lamp test 4-21, 5-23
manual 4-3, 5-4
Alert signal 4-3, 4-10, 5-11
background music 4-3, 4-12 to 4-13, 5-4, 5-13 to 5-14
clear 4-21, 5-23