For detailed information and instructions refer to the miniTek and
Tek Wireless Enhancement User Manual or ask your Hearing Care
Adjusting the volume
Your hearing instruments automatically adjust the volume to the
listening situation.
If you prefer manual volume adjustment, press the push button
or the rocker switch, or use a remote control.
An optional signal can indicate the volume change.
Further adjustments (optional)
The controls of your hearing instruments can also be used
to change the sound balance or the tinnitus noiser level.
Sound balance allows you to adjust the bass or treble to your
Locking the controls (optional)
To prevent any accidental operation you can lock the controls.
When the controls are locked, both push button and rocker switch
are disabled.
• To lock the controls, press the top of the rocker switch and hold
it. Simultaneously press the push button on the same hearing
instrument for 3 seconds.
• To unlock the controls, press the bottom of the rocker switch
and hold it. Simultaneously press the push button on the same
hearing instrument for 3 seconds.
Whether this function is configured for your hearing instruments
is listed in section “Controls”.
Directional microphone system
According to your hearing needs, your Siemens hearing
instrument may be adjusted to focus on sounds in front of
you (directional mode) for when you
are having a face-to-face
conversation in a noisy environment or behind you when the
speech you wish to hear is coming from the back such as in a
car. The hearing system may also be adjusted for when you are
in more quiet environments and want to hear the sounds around
you (omnidirectional). Your Hearing Care Professional may
program the operation of the directional microphone system to
function automatically or in conjunction with the program button
or remote control based on your particular hearing requirements.
Your Siemens hearing instrument may be equipped with a
telecoil for telephone use or use in looped environments. It
may be programmed to work in a specific listening program in
conjunction with the program button. In the telecoil mode, place
the telephone receiver close to your hearing instrument for best
reception. By trying various positions of the telephone receiver,
you will discover what works best for you. Your Hearing Care
Professional can advise you on the proper use of the telecoil.
Note: In order for the telecoil to function properly, your telephone
must be “hearing aid compatible”. Check your telephone’s
instruction manual to find out whether your phone has this
The AutoPhone option allows the telecoil to automatically engage
when a “hearing aid compatible” telephone handset is brought
close to the hearing instrument.