7SG12 DAD N Maintenance
©2010 Siemens Protection Devices Limited
Chapter 8 Page 3 of 3
2 Defect Report Form
Form sheet for repairs and returned goods
(fields marked with * are mandatory fields)
S ender:
* Name, fir st name:
Co mplete pho ne nu mbe r (incl. co untry co de):
C omp lete fax nu mber (incl. cou ntry cod e):
E mail address:
* Org-ID and GBK refere nc e:
* AWV :
* Or der-/ r efere nce-no (choos ing at lea st 1 option):
Order-no fo r rep air:
o rd er-/ delivery n ote-no for return of comm issio n
fa ilure:
B eginning order-no fo r cred it n ote d ema nd:
Information conce rning the product and its use :
* Or der C ode (M LFB):
Firm ware version :
* S eria l numbe r:
* Custom er:
P roduct wa s in u se approximate ly
S tation /proje ct :
Hotline Inpu t no .:
Cu sto mer origin al purchase o rd er num ber:
De live ry no te nu mbe r with posit ion num ber:
M anu facturer:
* Type of or der (c hoos ing at leas t 1 option):
Re pair
Re turn o f co mm ission failure
Cre dit Note
Up grade / Mod ification to …
W arranty repa ir
Qu otation (n ot repa ir V 4 and curre nt
For colle ction
products! Se e price s in P MD)
Type of failur e:
De vice or mo dule do es not sta rt up
M echanical problem
Overlo ad
S porad ic
failu re
K nock
Tran sp ort
dam age
P erman ent f ailure
Tem perat ure caused f ailure
Fa ilure af ter ca
h rs in use
Re peat ed
brea kd own
afte r
firmwa re
upd ate
E rror desc ription:
Displa y m essa ge:
(use sepa ra ted she et fo r more info )
A ct ive LE D m essa ges:
Fau lty Inte rf ace(s), wh ich?
W rong mea su re d valu e(s), wh ich?
Fa ult y inpu t(s)/ou tput(s), which ?
* Detailed e rror desc ription
(p le ase refer to othe r e rror rep orts or docum entat ion if possible):
* Shall a firmwa re update be made duri ng r epair or me chanical upgr ade of protective rela ys? (choosing at le ast 1 option)
Y es, to m ost recent versio n
Yes, actua l p arame ters must be reusable
r epair report:
Y es, st anda rd report (free of charge )
Y es, det ailed re port (charge: 400E UR)
S hippi ng a ddr ess of the repair ed/upgraded pr oduc t:
Co mpan y, depa rtm ent
Na me, f irst nam e
S treet, n umb er
P ostco de, city, co untry
Da te , Signature
Please contact the Siemens representative office in your country to obtain return instructions.
Содержание 7SG12 DAD-N
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