Parameter settings
5.3 Parameter setting by means of GSD/GSDML file
Operating Instructions, 02/2022, J31069-D0176-U001-A6-7618
Parameter values of the SIMATIC RF1070R
At the factory, the communication parameters of the RS-232 interface of SIMATIC RF1070R
are set as follows and must be parameterized accordingly in the connected controller:
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Transmission speed: 115.2 kBd
Parameter setting by means of GSD/GSDML file
In addition to the PROFIBUS-relevant control parameters, several RFID-relevant control
parameters are also defined for the RF170C in the GSD/GSDML file. The relevant parameters
are set using the "Object properties" of the slave in HW Config or the TIA Portal.
The parameters of the GSD file are identical to those described in the sections “"Module
parameters" parameter group (Page 30)“ and “"Frame" parameter group (Page 32)“.