3 Description
At the same time the opening spring 18.11 is charged by way of the operating lever 18.24 and the connecting rod
18.27. The opening latch 18.9 moves along the roller of the latch lever 18.9.1 (Fig. 12). At the end of the curve,
the lever 18.7 overtravels, with the result that the opening latch 18.9 can drop behind the roller of the latch lever
18.9.1 (Fig. 13).
18.19 Cam
Damper for closing
18.41.1 Roller
18.6 Cam
18.7 Lever
18.7.1 Roller
18.9 Opening
18.9.1 Supporting
Fig. 13
Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
Overtravel of the lever