2 General
2.1 Introduction
These operating instructions apply to high-voltage circuit-breakers with the serial numbers given on the title
page. They are intended to familiarize operating personnel with the design and functioning of the circuit-
breaker. They also supply details of operation and provide information on installation and maintenance.
All values of pressure given are gauge values unless absolute pressure is expressly stated.
It is advisable for the operating personnel to familiarize themselves as early as possible with the instructions,
and with the aid of other documents supplied to gather any relevant further information on the circuit-breaker
and its features.
The operating instructions contain information on proper operation and maintenance of the
circuit-breaker, together with certain supplementary warning notices. They are intended to
point out impermissible actions and to show the potential danger associated with operation
of the circuit-breaker.
Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered
sufficiently in the operating instructions, the matter should be referred to the local Siemens sales
Arrangement of the Operating Instructions
These operating instructions are divided into chapters
1- Contents, 2- General, 3- Description, 4- Installation, 5- Operation and 6- Maintenance
Communication by Means of the Operating Instructions
In verbal or written communication, as well as when ordering any spare parts required, please use the des-
ignations and part numbers used in the operating instructions, giving details of the order number of the
operating instructions 927 00966 174 A, the page number and specifying the number of the illustration (Fig.).
In this way, misunderstandings can be prevented.