Water Cooling
Risks when handling cooling liquids
→ Cooling liquids can cause damage to health and environment: Avoid
skin and eye contact. Dispose cooling liquids in an environmentally
acceptable way according to the local regulations.
→ Cooling liquids can heat up to a temperature of 70 °C and might be
under high pressure: Use collection containers for liquid leakage.
Pay attention to the following notes about liquid coolants:
The coolant must be based on water and it must contain corrosion inhibitor.
Anti-fungal agents can prevent clogging of the cooling pipes.
The coolant must be cleaned.
No solid objects must be carried along.
The system monitoring should check the following parameters:
– temperature
– maximum pressure
– pressure loss (system leakage)
– flow rate
The coolant must be chemically neutral.
The operating pressure must not exceed 6 bar.
Bedewing at the heat sink and the connected cooling pipes must be prevented. (Be-
dewing is caused especially, when the coolant temperature is low and high humidity
in connection with high temperatures is present.)
Connection of the cooling unit
The device heat sink must be connected to a cooling unit for heat dissipation.
High voltages in connection with cooling liquids
→ Before you carry out any works at the cooling circuit, you must switch
off all electric equipment located in the danger area (e.g. switch cab-
inet). Wait until the respective discharge times of the electric equip-
ment are passed.
→ Check that the cooling system is watertight before you connect any
electric equipment located in the danger area (e.g. switch cabinet) to
the mains supply.
Low coolant flow rate
If the coolant flow rate is too low, the drive and the connected components may over-
→ After filling the complete cooling circuit must be vented. We strongly recommend
the use of flow rate sensors.
Drive System SD2M - Hardware Description 036228xxF
Water Cooling