Safety Instructions
Electrical Connection
Risk of serious injuries due to touch voltages
After electric devices have been switched off touch voltages may occur de-
pending on the device up to 4 minutes. Longer construction-related dis-
charge times are possible. Refer to the product documentation of your de-
→ All work at and within the units must only be carried out, when the
units are turned off, the mains supply is cut and the DC bus is com-
pletely discharged.
→ Never touch energized parts after a device has been switched. off.
→ Consider the VDE regulations and the applicable accident prevention
regulations (e.g. VBG 1 and VBG 4).
Risk of serious injuries due to improper connection to earth
Incorrect or insufficient connection of the system to earth may cause dan-
gerous currents.
→ Connection to earth must be realized according to the instructions in
the product documentation of your device.
The electrical installation must be carried out according to the relevant electrical codes
(e.g. appropriate wire gauges, fuse protection and connections of ground conductors
must be considered).
SIEB & MEYERdevices are conceived for connection to symmetrically grounded TN
networks. For detailed information regading the connection to TN networks or other net-
works refer to the manual "EMC Guidelines", chapter "Connection to Different Supply
System Types".
Recommendations for the installation complying EMC (e.g. shields, connection to earth
and line installations) can be found in the technical manuals of your device (only for ma-
chine manufacturers). The manufacturer of the system or machine has to meet the re-
quirements of the legislation regarding the EMC.
1. Consider that the mains supply must be protected via an overload release with re-
stricted guidance for each mains phase. The mains line should not be switched on,
before the work is completed.
2. Before turning on the unit the first time, make sure that the connected machine will
not have runaway axes.
3. Never connect capacitive loads to the output phases of the servo amplifiers and fre-
quency converters.
4. Prevent cable loops. Therefore, the units must only be connected to earth at the
provided PE connection for the mains supply line and the racks only at the provided
earth screw.
Drive System SD2M - Hardware Description 036228xxF