Subject to change without notice
S U P P L E M E N T A R Y O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | VMS4200-x/5200-x MID
Fig. 71: Handling of dimensionally unstable objects
Objects such as plastic bags or other unstable items are not suitable for MID-compliant
dimensioning (automated LFT billing).
The shape and size of these types of objects are not dimensionally stable. The
repeatability of the measurement result is therefore not guaranteed.
After the manufacturer has placed the measurement system on the market,
the operating entity must ensure that dimensionally unstable, transparent or
reflective objects are excluded from billing operation.
The possibility of multiple objects being present on a single conveyor element
must be excluded.
The so-called
operating entity’s responsibility
The risk of incorrect measurements can be avoided as follows:
Process the objects in a separate package stream that bypasses the LFT volume
Use additional bar codes to identify dimensionally unstable objects and to tag the
measurement as a non-LFT compliant measurement.
Use a classification system for dimensionally unstable objects (e.g. Deep Learning) and
tag the measurement results with a flag to indicate invalid measurement conditions.
Handling of
unstable objects