Technical information
RFU6xx FB for
GX Works 2 (PNDP)
Page 24
This example program enables you write the current time into the user memory of the current
accessible RFID transponder using the function block. The RFU6xx RFID interrogator is
connected via PROFIBUS to a QJ71PB92D PROFIBUS gateway module.
Write tag:
Set the "xStartWrite" variable to write the actual PLC time (sDataWrite) into the current tran-
sponder. The
"xWriteDone" flag indicates a successful execution of the function.
Read tag:
Set the "xStartRead" variable to read out the first 10 Words of the current transponder. The
"xReadDone" flag indicates a successful execution of the function. The "sDataRead" string
contains the tag data.
Demo program:
Figure 9: Declaration of the local labels