Operating instructions IO-Link Master IOLG2PN-03208R01 – PROFINET
© SICK AG • Presence Detection • Subject to change without notice • 8018665.10RD
2 Safety
Correct Use
The IOLG2PN-03208R01 IO-Link Master is a remote IO-Link input and out-
put module for integration into a PROFINET network.
The IOLG2PN-03208R01 IO-Link Master may only be used in applications
in which the safety of personnel does not depend on the device function.
SICK AG assumes no liability for losses or damage arising from the use of
the product, either directly or indirectly. This applies in particular to use of
the product that does not conform to its intended purpose and is neither
described nor mentioned in this documentation.
Incorrect Use
The IOLG2PN-03208R01 IO-Link Master must not be used in explosive
Any other use that is not described as a correct use is prohibited.
No accessories may be connected which have not been explicitly stipulat-
ed, in terms of quantity and properties, and approved by SICK AG.